Tiago Gomes Rodrigues-搜索结果

  • 长颈鹿的悲喜一生 Tristeza e Alegria na Vida das Girafas


    导演:蒂亚戈·盖吉思   编剧:蒂亚戈·盖吉思, Tiago Rodrigues

    主演:Spencer Patwal, Maria Abreu, Tónan Quito, 米格尔·博尔赫斯, 米格尔·古伊尔赫梅, Romeu Runa, 贡萨洛·沃丁顿, Jorge Andrade, Tiago

      This is the story of a tall 10-year-old girl. She is working on a school project that aims to explain how the world works to her class. She is faced with difficult social and political questions that even adults struggle to answer.